2 axes, Hall, soft guidance
Short description
Art-Nr:315-0111SK 315-0111
Compact and durable multi-axis joysticks, perfectly made for industrial machines, electric vehicles or your individual application. It comes with a low height to fit in many controls or integrated panels, but with a large handy knob to operate also with gloves. Remarkable and unique – all axes are available with single or redundant output signals. The joysticks can be equipped with a push button if needed. Please contact us, it will be our pleasure to suggest an individual joystick solution for your specific needs. Your solution is our standard.
General characteristics
Joystick base model:SK 315 - The medium one
Ship control model:Joystick
Mechanical characteristics
Number of axes:2
Number of levers:1
Operating angle:±20°
Actuating torque full deflection:0.42 Nm
Cross guidance:soft
Breakaway torque main axes:0.18 Nm
Max. actuating torque:10 Nm
Electrical characteristics
Output signal:0.5-4.5V DC
Redundancy:Dual/redundant output crosswise
Sensor technology:hall effect sensors
Supply voltage:5V DC
Protection class front side:IP67 correct mounted
Handle model:Nupsi
Axis:Stainless steel
Rubber boot:Rubber boot EPDM
Handle:see rubber boot
Mounting bolts:4xM3
Hole circle for mounting:Ø 43mm
Screw-hole pattern:Ø 49.5mm (~1.95in)
Mounting direction:from top
Outer diameter:Ø 50mm
Installation depth:25mm (~0.98in)
Handle height above the panel:51mm (~2.01in)